
Social Realism | A Lecture with Lisa Ito-Tapang
Saturday, 17 Aug 2019, 2 PM to 4 PM
4/F Justitia Hall, Ateneo Law School, 20 Rockwell Drive, APS Building, Rockwell Center, Makati
For tickets, go to http://bit.ly/HighlightsSR
Where do we go next?
We leave the 19th century, and enter into a time of noise and simultaneously, a time of enforced silence. Does art have a place in a space where the golden sunlight is unseen in the horizon but where fires blaze in the streets? How do you paint this reality of landscapes shaped instead like barricades?
Find out how art took form in an age of censorship, what visual language for laying bare realities looked like in: Social Realism | A Lecture with Lisa Ito-Tapang.
This program is part of HIGHLIGHTS, a lecture series presented by the Ateneo Art Gallery and the Lopez Museum and Library.
Featured Image:
Pablo Baen Santos, Krista (Female Christ),1984, Oil on canvas. Gift of the Artist.