
Everywhere, There You Are
Sunday, 07 Apr 2019 to Sunday, 08 Sep 2019
Ignacio B Gimenez Amphitheater, Arete, Ateneo de Manila University
Admission is free
The Ateneo de Manila University launches the Ignacio B Gimenez Outdoor Installation Grant Program, a new program focused on outdoor installation projects in Areté, its new creativity hub. Managed by the Ateneo Art Gallery (AAG), the grant will fund two (2) installation projects per year, each running for 5 to 6 months. It aims to support contemporary artists who wish to explore innovative and engaging art projects that are site-specific and ephemeral. Many of our contemporary artists plan to undertake such projects but often do not gain enough support towards its realization. The Program complements the role of the AAG, through the Ateneo Art Awards, as an active supporter of contemporary artists who have continued to push the limits of artistic practice in the local and international art scenes.
“…as the installation spreads across the edges of the amphitheater, the incandescently-colored fabrics catch both the scorching rays of sunlight and the breathing impulses of the wind…”
For its inaugural project, Christina Quisumbing Ramilo and Wawi Navarroza were invited to re-install Everywhere, There You Are, a project created earlier in two editions of the Malasimbo Art and Music Festival in Mindoro. Composed of fishing nets and thousands of fabric strips cut and tied by hands, the panels create segments of kinetic wall interacting with the multi-directional flow of the wind. Visitors are invited to walk through and experience its movement and color. For its iteration in Areté, the installation is grander in scale, a quality which both artists have always been wanting to explore. It stands 20 feet tall and spans 140 feet wide, marking the largest iteration of this site-specific installation to date.
Everywhere, There You Are is on site until 8 September 2019 at the Ignacio B Gimenez Amphitheater, Areté, Ateneo de Manila University.