Marciano Galang Acquisition Prizes and AAG-KLFI Essay Writing Prizes
Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 to Friday, 15 Jul 2022
Mr & Mrs Ching Tan Gallery, UGF
View the exhibit online at https://bit.ly/MGAPExhibition
Foreword from the exhibition:
This unprecedented global health crisis has led us to a period of uncertainty. We were at first apprehensive of the threat to our lives and those of our loved ones, brought about by an unknown and unseen enemy. It was then followed by a questioning of the relevance of what we do, our role as a cultural institution in a society faced with the basic problems of daily subsistence, shelter, and livelihood.
A few weeks into the quarantine period, the Ateneo Art Gallery decided to cancel its annual Ateneo Art Awards program even though it was to be among the highlights of AAG’s 60th anniversary. Aside from the apparent logistical challenges, we felt it was necessary to rethink how a university art museum can address the current needs of the art community. We devised ways to provide access to culture and education by enriching and developing our online content.
In place of the regular awards program, we pivoted towards an acquisition prize and an essay writing prize open to all artists and writers. The response was overwhelming and we are grateful to all the writers and visual artists who submitted their essay and artwork entries.
We are also grateful for the continued support and encouragement from the Ateneo de Manila University and from our two program partners — the Embassy of Italy and the Kalaw-Ledesma Foundation. Despite the challenges, we are blessed to have been given the opportunity to serve and support the community of artists and writers. As we celebrate the 6 decades of existence, AAG continues to aim towards fostering creativity and strengthening social unity and to be an agent of collective memory.
Ma. Victoria Herrera, Director and Chief Curator of Ateneo Art Gallery
The exhibition featuring the winners for both prizes and other artists selected for MGAP exhibition is live for online viewing. To access the show, please visit www.bit.ly/MGAPExhibition.
You can also read the winning essays for both student and non-student categories through the Vital Points website: https://pkl.ateneoartgallery.com
Daniela Balgos - At the Hem of our Society
James Luigi Tana - coping corners
Iza Maria Reyes- Hapong-hapong hapon
Jord Earving Gadingan - Mahigit Sandaang Araw ng Samut' Sari
Geraldine Gentozala-Juachon - Pamimintana
Apa Agbayani - Somewhere in the crowd there's you (or, Dreaming of a reprise for our grief)
Bea Pauline Salcedo - A Face of the Anxious
DJ Ellamil - Experimental Film (O Ang Paghahanap ng Isang Ligtas Na Lugar)
Fernando Chavez - Linggo ng Palengkero
Sam Elaijah Elmido - Lubid ng Pasakit
Phoebe de Leon - Of Blistering Soles
Drei Narciso - On Art, Crises, and the Dance of Time
Mars Bugaoan
Vermont Coronel Jr.
Geovanni Abing
Miko Acaso
Joey Cobcobo
Eugene Cubillo
Yas Doctor
Corinne Garcia
Nina Garibay
Caloy Gernale
Lui Gonzales
Philipp Ines
Alvin Kasiban
Mervy Pueblo
Catherine Salazar
Dar San Agustin